
Some cubist portraits examples

Light projection is drawn, which makes it more than a 2D painting.
(from http://jasonloya.com/abouttheartist.html)

A good example of using geometric shapes.
(from http://www.saugus.k12.ma.us/Art/G5%20Gallery.htm)

Black lines plays the most important part in this painting.
(from http://bluemoonpalette.blogspot.com/2010/09/student-viewed-several-of-pablo.html)

The picture is nicely divided by colors with good contrast.
(from http://artsjam.org/Workshops/tabid/184/Default.aspx)

Head of A Woman by Pablo Picasso. Great skill combines the figure, background, irregular shapes, space and colors together.
(from http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/works-of-art/1990.192)

